Consider Giving and Support Our Teams
Show your support. No matter the amount, every donation helps further our mission focused on building a strong future for our youth shooting sports. Offer your one-time gift through our secure donation process. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, your support is tax deductible.
Find out more about what your gifts of time, talent and capital can do for sustaining the Kent County Orange Crushers in the future.
Call Coach Held at (616) 291-9198 or email for volunteer opportunities, partnerships, or sponsorships.
Thank You to Our 100 Club Members
2023 Donors
Lec Hyder
Chris Serne
Amanda and Ponch Wildman
Heather Held
Dale Ringerwole
Anonymous – 6 times
David Ranney
Tim Murray
Ken Bauman
Mike Moorman
Steve Geldersma
Tom Mall
Kevin Grzelak
Gary Steere
Mike Walters
2024 Donors
Corey VanDellen
Gordon Anderson
Mike and Julie Bemben
David Chism
Dick Hansen
Sam Yeo
Kellen Wilkes
Scott Treichel
Dale Ringerwole
Dave Scott
John Hersrud
Joe & Kim Eckelstafer
Ponch and Amanda Wildman
Craig Priebe
Bill Fisk
Mike Storrer
Bob Storrer
Bob Jordan
Kevin Whaley
Victor Scudder
Brad Strouse
Aaron Wester
Christina Bos
Jim & Natasha Versluys
100 Club Pin for 2024 Donors
The 100 Club was started in 2013 to help support the Kent County Orange Crushers Scholastic Clay Target Program. Please consider sending in your tax deductible $100 donation to help sustain our youth shooting program. These kids are the future of the shooting sports. Membership perks include pin to wear on your shooting bag or vest, yearly mention in the Orange Crusher Newsletter. Consider a new or renewing your 100 Club membership. Email us at to learn more.